Dadamu had the highest malaria prevalence in Arua City. 64% of the OPD attendances in Dadamu Sub- County were due to Malaria while the incidence of malaria in the whole population of Dadamu was 29% with risk of rising even higher (DHIS2 2020/2021 report). Dadamu sub-county in Arua city has population of 50,600 with seven (7) parishes and fifty-one (51) villages; but only one health facility (HC III) (UBOS, 2022). The inception meeting was held in Arua city health office board room to discuss the malaria project. The activities were community led and involved various stakeholders from the office of RCC, His worship the mayor, city health office, Orivu health Centre, Education department, primary schools, Community leaders at the seven (7) parishes and Villages involving VHTs and Local council leaders.
The meetings to brought together key stakeholders to discuss why malaria burden was highest in Dadamu and how the problem can be addressed using locally available resources in addition to the Global fund through TASO.
The various activities were aimed at building the capacity of the leaders and community members to prevent and control malaria at the lowest level particularly for the vulnerable community members such as pregnant women, children under 5 years and children between 5-15 years old.
Achievements/Results obtained
Objective one: To update the stakeholders on the malaria project in Dadamu and strategies that will be used in project implementation
- IHDI in partnership with TASO-Uganda is implementing prevention of malaria amongst pregnant mothers, under five children, children 5-15 years with funding from Global fund which is for 4 months.
- IHDI will work with and through the existing government and community structures such as Health workers at Orivu health Centre III, Parish Development Committees, VHTs, primary school children and their teachers to implement prevention, and treatment services to pregnant mothers, children under the age of 5 and children 5-15 years.